What we will do


We will deploy a twofold strategy, comprising the following concrete activities: 

1) High specialized formation with three PhD students in shared studies from Portuguese universities (IST and ISCTE) and research institute INOV and Molde colleague University. 

2) Shared research will be performed to join research activities and shared courses. Portuguese teachers will teach at Molde (this process is already implemented) and Norway teachers will teach at Portuguese Summer Schools (SS). 

We will build a new set of teaching subjects, like IoT4fishing, Blockchain4fishing, DataScience4fishing, Logistics and operations for fishing and a set of existing related topics that will be adapted for new courses in Portugal. 

We will accomplish two Summer Schools, with 12 ECTS, open to all international students, that will give rise to a new master's degree in datascience4sea and related topics (to be accomplished at ISCTE’s management school). 

Our education program for the sea have twofold: 

- New programs at university tested at SS with national and international students. New sets of ECTS programs for sea at Portuguese universities in a multidisciplinary approach of computer science (INOV with the associated universities of IST and ISCTE) and management (Norway Partner) 

- New competence network for professional training in the sea and fish domains. Introduce new disruptive technologies like IoT, Bck and Data science. New professionals to improve fish SC chain process, new control process to reduce illegal fishing. 



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