The Marine living resources sector encompasses the harvesting of renewable biological resources (primary sector), their conversion into food, feed, bio‐based products and bioenergy (processing) and their distribution along the supply chain. The EU is the sixth largest producer of fishery and aquaculture products (behind China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam and Peru), covering around 3 % of global production. However, overall production has been rather stable in the last decades. The EU has about 57000 active vessels landing about 4 million tonnes of seafood worth €6.3 billion; while the aquaculture sector reached a production of about 1.2 million tonnes worth €4 billion in 2019. The processing and distribution of seafood products are heavily dependent on the supply of raw materials from the primary sector. High consumption and increased demand for seafood products and stagnation in the primary sector make these activities increasingly dependent on imports from third countries. In fact, the...